Established 2002
Holiday Centerpiece Workshop
December 10, 2024
Village Round Table
We see the committee as a hands-on, street-level, working group which will help its members solve problems, whether they are laneway-related or general Village issues.
Committee Members 2023
Mike Siverns CHAIR (email:
Bill Smelser LANEWAY A
Jennifer Siverns LANEWAY B
Phil Loforti LANEWAY C
Doug Widdecombe LANEWAY D
Dee & Rob Fahlman LANEWAY E
Peter Blanchet LANEWAY F
Lisa Rahbarian MEMBER AT LARGE
Contact information for the Village Laneway members.
During the data collection phase of the Forward Planning Committee Report in 2016, many residents expressed their concern that there was a disconnect between the various areas of The Village. They felt that there was no mechanism for the discussion of issues and for problem-solving with each other. The Village Round Table has been set up to provide a forum for such dialogue.
To facilitate dialogue and foster a general spirit of co-operation between the various areas of The Village.
To share experiences re past and current laneway/Village concerns.
To be of assistance to each other on future laneway/Village issues.
To investigate any possible economies of scale that can be achieved by joining forces with our fellow resident groups.